Categories: One more thing

by mimzilla


Walker loves to move things from one place to another. He also likes hats. On Christmas Day, the little munchkin combined his two passions and put a wicker trash can on his head and walked around with his new box of books. Walker had logged some considerable time with the basket on his head and impressively avoided all barriers but he had not tried carrying anything while donning his very special hat. It was certainly video-worthy.

Yesterday, Walker and I went on an errand to a knitting store. He was in heaven — a store filled with small boxes of soft things. He spent the next 30 minutes taking yarn from a cubbie hole, going up the step to the next room and putting the yarn in a box. He’d then repeat the process. After about 10 minutes, he worked up to removing two skeins at a time. I wasn’t able to get my yarn because I was getting my own exercise returning the yarn to the correct location. Finally, he decided to remove an entire cubbie of yarn at once. “It’s a good thing he’s cute,” I heard one employee say. We promptly left. Next time, I’ll go to the store by myself.


Thanks to everyone who has been so very supportive over the last week. Without Moxie, the house feels a little emptier and Wilson is a bit more attentive but it was time for Moxie’s next adventure — whatever that may be. We choose to think of her purring on Mom’s lap.

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