It always seems to happen that one thing breaks and then everything else follows. The day before Walker was born, our garage door decided to stop working. This after having it fixed back in January. And I only started parking the car in there back in late May after two years of keeping the car […]
It’s been awhile since I posted last and now the pressure is on…Gigi is on the Internet. She bought a computer and a family friend is helping her get her wireless and browser set up so it automatically starts up with her email and the blog. Walker even had his live debut on the Internet […]
You’d think the small person who gurgles and cries and poops would have driven the point home but it took an incident yesterday to really cement the fact that, yes, I’m now a parent. Larry went to Safeway yesterday, July 19, to get fixin’s for dinner. (The date is important.) I get a call from […]
We have a few competitions going on over here in The Cheese House (yes, that is what we call our house here by Ocean Beach — very sophisticated, no? Or, would you prefer Chateau Fromage?). The first competition is something I recently noticed. I’ve commented on the cats’ behavior since Walker has come home. I’m […]
Walker hasn’t started walking, talking, or blogging (yet, give him another few weeks) but as a team, we’ve had a few small wins which I celebrate as “milestones” that keep me feeling like we’re making progress toward normalcy. Dressed 4 days in a ROW! Yes, it seems unlikely but I’ve actually had non-jammies clothes on […]
Walker is now two weeks old and he’s a very good baby. (As a matter of fact, the pediatrician, who is also named Mimi, called him a “perfect baby.” I knew I liked her.) I spend most of my day sitting and feeding him or changing him although I’ve been able to get out a […]
Walker had his 2 week birthday on Sunday and Mommy couldn’t pass up the occasion without a photo or two. As you can see here, Walker has the ability to flash his “West Coast” hand signal to all the folks so they know where he harkens from. Good on you Walker! Daddy is working on […]
The other evening we had a conversation about what inventions most impacted our lives. Shirley’s grandmother had said she was most impressed by store-bought mayonnaise. Her mother said the radio. After some serious consideration, Shirley said the cell phone. I added the Internet to the list and Larry said the personal computer. I’m not sure […]
It’s been a week. I can’t believe it. It’s been a week since my mother-in-law and grandmother came to town and that coincided with Walker joining the family. I feel like we have a little house guest who needs some special attention. It’s hard to believe he’s going to stay when everyone else goes back […]
Apparently there is some truth to the fact that this Internet thing is viral — I understand that my blog is being passed around to a bunch of folks — so I’ll be sure to keep the blog “rated G” and I’m sure I won’t share, ahem, intimate details. BABY YOUNG is officially Walker Douglas […]
We’re home and adjusting to life at Ocean Beach. We had a good but very active evening and Grandma Shirley works her magic to keep everyone quiet and calm and entertained with stories. I hope to be posting more later after breakfast (for both of us) with some details about our first few days together. […]
Baby Boy Young was born 8:30 this morning at a healthy 7lbs 7oz after a super easy labor of only 9 hours. Everyone is doing great and more detail will be coming but I’m blogging from my phone. (Photos are also from my phone and can be found on the right.)
Countdown… T minus 0 It’s a day past the due date. (Boy, that was MEAN, wasn’t it?) I had a very quiet day yesterday. I finished some cleaning and some improvements in the kitchen that have been bugging me since we moved in (Larry said it looked like a professional had done it). I wanted […]
There’s a legend in my family that my mother decided she was “finished” being pregnant. Like many a Bay Area resident, she decided to take a hike up a hill. A few short hours later, she went into labor. I always recalled the story of her trudging up the Fillmore hill. It’s a fairly steep […]
Yeah, despite all my best intentions and protestations, I’ve become “that woman.” You know the one, the hysterical woman that reads all sorts of gloom and doom into every little ache and pain of pregnancy. I made it through 39+ weeks and finally I caught “the paranoia.” I think it has something to do with […]
I can’t have a blog and not give some basic props to my brother, Thayer Walker, who recently spent 20 days on an island off the coast of Panama as ‘research’ for an article in OUTSIDE magazine. Luckily he’s home from that adventure but you can see the usally charming boy lose his composure as […]
It’s Father’s Day and only 5 days away from the due date. We have about a week before we get anxious out-of-town guests who are beside themselves excited about the new family member. In preparation, I’ve been cleaning the house, filing and paperwork, errands, etc. but I’ve decided it’s important to take long daily walks. […]
People keep saying that we’re not going to be able to do much once the baby is here and movies are certainly going to be more difficult. So, Larry and I have been trying to see all the movies we can including Ocean’s Thirteen, the Fantastic Four movie, and of course, Knocked Up. We actually […]
My entire life has been defined by “One more thing…”. When I was a little girl and my father would take me to bed, I would keep him standing there, talking to me in my top bunk (with my sister sleeping below) as I yammered on for 15 additional minutes about “one more thing”. In […]
Daddy picks up Walker each evening and they play while I get an hour to do whatever I want — go to the gym, pay bills, catch up on work, grab some wine and gossip with a friend. The boys have a wonderful time and have recently been playing “guys” a lot. That entails taking […]
This morning the weather threatened rain so Walker donned his Batman rain gear that Gigi gave him for Christmas. He arrived at the same time as Madeline and while Mommy missed the loving good morning hugs and kisses, I was fast enough with the camera to capture the sweet little lovebird dance. This morning was […]
Today Walker and I went for a hike while Daddy helped Pop Pop rearrange some furniture at the house. We came across a trail marker and Walker read the pictures to me: red circle, arrow, cowboy and Mommy. Cowboy = horse riding, Mommy = hiking, Arrow = direction and Red Circle = No Smoking. When […]
Larry and I have never been big partiers, and New Year’s Eve has been no exception. Generally we would see the New Year in with a bottle of wine on the beach but the pitch dark, cold beach in the middle of the night would be a bit scary for little Walker. However, I did […]
We’ve been talking about Thanksgiving and discussing what we’re thankful for. I’m not sure if Walker gets the concept but I’m certainly satisfied with his response. We love Uncle Thayer and appreciate his knack for keeping things silly. Daddy gave Walker a very special present — his very own gallery. Walker was so terribly excited […]
I’m about to run out the door to see my wonderful men but I had a very satisfying web experience today that I thought I should share. I’ve been in the process getting life insurance, because, well, it’s an adult thing to do. I went through my financial adviser and the process was extremely long […]
May, 2011
I had a great weekend. My boys gave me stuff that will help me end certain obsessions — a special tool to clean under my fridge and a few bins to help me organize my life. I filled five grocery bags full of stuff to donate and I have filled many more in my mind… […]
Apr, 2011
Dear Walker. I know it’s been some time since I have documented your life for the world to witness. I missed telling everyone about your first trip to the snow. I haven’t talked about your penchant for boogers or how you’ve begun what I believe will be your life-long adoration of superheroes. (All this will […]
Jan, 2011
Gosh, tell me it isn’t so. The holidays (and by “holidays” I mean the single blur of time between Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and New Year) have come and gone and we’re back into the drudgery of every day life — which of course is an absolute joy with a three and a half year old because, […]
Nov, 2010
My little professor is learning a lot — and not all of it from his parents or his teachers. The other night, Walker was in the bath playing with is crayons. He said he wanted to write my name so together we spelled it and he wrote it out. It very clearly was my name. […]