• Today I picked up Walker from Sofiya’s day care and I got some gelt. For those of you who are not MOT (members of the tribe), gelt is the chocolate money folks give to each other during Chanukah. I don’t know the significance (I’m sure you can find something on Wikipedia) but it’s fun and […]

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  • I’ve had some requests for more video and it’s been tough to find the time to get something charming enough for the world to see. Work has been really, really busy and I’m still trying to find the balance between Adobe, paying bills, making yummy food, and spending quality time with my little Love Lump. […]

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  • Since I’ve successfully made the transition back to work and Walker seems to keep growing (funny how he does that), Larry and I decided it was time for Walker to make the transition to his room and begin sleeping in his crib. Knowing the poor kid has been going through a lot of change which […]

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  • It’s Halloween and despite the fact that I haven’t slept in a week, I have to post a few photos and a short blog. Walker has decided to wake up a lot during the evening. About a week ago he started waking up every two hours but quickly falling back to sleep after eating. It’s […]

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  • My first week back at work was really great. People are so incredible and have been so happy about having me return. (They will forget how much they missed me when I start beating the bee hive with a big bat.) Not much has changed. The same problems still exist but I’m hoping to take […]

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  • Today was a day I was dreading — first day back to work. But honestly, it went extremely smoothly. I chalk it up to good preparation and having a very solid family. Larry and I spent Saturday with friends at the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival (see photos on the Flickr feed) and then had […]

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  • Nothin’ to worry about. Today went smoothly and Walker seemed to enjoy himself. Larry and I arrived at Sofia’s to drop of our little man. The house smelled incredible. As I gave Lisa his bin of belongings (choking back a few tears), Sofia took some hot blintzes off the skillet and gave them to us. […]

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  • Well, today was the last day of maternity. Walker starts day care tomorrow (Larry’s and my 11 year anniversary) and Monday I go back to work. (I’ve had to be very careful with how I reference this transition. I’ve found that I’ve been saying things like, “this is our last day together” which makes it […]

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  • I sit here late on Sunday evening considering what to do with the rest of my waking time — writing thank you notes, paying bills or blogging. Given I have a mere week before I return to work, I have decided to spend the time writing to all of you. There are just four more […]

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  • When I was 10 I was nipped by a dog on my face. It was my fault (I was trying to cuddle with a bookstore dog I didn’t really know) but I was a bit wary of dogs after that. We always had cats. When I was 21, I moved to San Francisco and lived […]

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  • Today we have a guest blogger… WALKER… as told to DADDY! Here’s what the day looked like while Mommy was at work: 7:45 am – Mommy leaves for meeting at Adobe in San Jose. Bye, Mommy! See you soon! 8:10 am – I’m a little tired of Daddy reading me the newspaper, so I start […]

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  • Today was an incredible day in San Francisco. One of those rare warm and calm days with not a cloud (or fog) in the sky. Mommo (Gigi) went home last night after a wonderful albeit short trip to see the Walker Meringue Pie and Larry had some writing to do. Therefore, Walker and I had […]

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  • I can’t believe it. Today Walker is 13 weeks old and tomorrow he’ll be a full 3 months. He’s 15 pounds and I’ve got him wearing clothes for 6 month old babies. Folks are genuinely surprised to learn that he’s so young for his size. He’s not growing at the same rate he was early […]

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  • This is the first entry in a long time (and don’t miss the video below as well). Walker is getting bigger and he’s sleeping better although Larry is singing “Dixie Chicken” to him right now because he’s screaming. He really doesn’t like going to sleep at night (but once asleep he enjoys it). He wants […]

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  • Walker makes the best sounds. I had to capture it on video. I didn’t really think about how it would appear when I filmed it so it looks like he’s unnaturally suspended sideways. Oh, I mean, I meant to do that. It’s kinda like the old Batman show…  Bam. Pow. Goo. Gaaa.

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  • Oh, of course I can handle one more thing… As I’m giving Walker his bath tonight, Larry asks me, “Did you put the laundry in the machine?” “Um, no.” There was a rather insistant hissing coming from the garage so Larry went down to investigate. Walker had been having a bit of a difficult time […]

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  • As Walker gets older, I know there are things that I won’t have anticipated that will need to be done. I’m sure there will be general kid things that will pop up but it’s the BOY THINGS that give me a bit of anxiety. I started thinking about it the other day when Larry and […]

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  • Everything I know about parenting I learned from my Tamagotchi. Get in your Way-Back Machine, travel to 1996 and recall the Tamagotchi digital pet fad where teens had small electronic pods that would simulate a growing entity that needed to be fed and changed on a regular basis. You knew how you were doing by […]

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  • Last Thursday we met Charlie and Ryan (Stephanie’s twin 2 year old boys) at the Zoo. It was a big day for everyone. Walker got to see a bunch of exotic animals (including a small monkey with a mustache and some funny penguins that would swim at top speed and leap into the air) and […]

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  • The first thing you must know is Walker has a new nickname, “The Radish.” I thought of it during one of the 4am feedings. He has this pointy little head that’s accentuated with a tuft of hair. He just made me think of a vegetable and I happen to really like radishes (which are also […]

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  • In a prior missive, I mentioned that we were reinforcing potty training using stickers to bribe our little guy into peeing in his Elmo potty rather than his pants. He quickly got into the spirit and within a few days, he covered the small piece of cardboard we taped to the wall with dozens of […]

  • Walker, Thank you for a most wonderful Mother’s Day. Without you, today would be just another beautiful Sunday but you are here and I had an incredibly special day. I am called “Mommy” because you exist and I revel in my new identity. Last weekend, I even decided to make up “Walker’s Mom” cards to […]

  • Walker took us to an Easter party today at the zoo. He had his first (and second) time in a bouncy house and met the Easter Bunny, and oh yes, he got his face painted. I’ve been a member of the Golden Gate Mother’s Group for the last three years and I’ve never been able […]

  • As evidenced by last week’s video, I attended Walker’s swimming class. However, he had no idea I was there. He had been having some trouble leaving me in the morning because he would tell me he really wanted to spend time playing with Mommy and Daddy at home so I ensured I was filming from […]

  • Walker went swimming today with his Grammy Jane. I went to watch and, of course, document the occasion. He’s really comfortable in the water and we’re so very proud of our little dolphin. Thank you Grammy for giving Walker this experience. And don’t get any ideas about surfing, Uncle Thayer!

  • Walker has been making up songs lately and when we went on the great Valentine photoshoot, he started singing a song. “Valentine for everyone. Play some games for everyone. Play some games and have some FUN!” It’s been something he’s sung a lot over the last few days but apparently it isn’t an original score […]

  • 18th


    Oct, 2011

    I think my son is going to grow up to be a lawyer. The other day, Walker was at school playing freeze tag with his friends. This is not a complicated game and it’s understood that as a participant, you will be chased and FREEZE if you are TAGGED. Walker adores this game and plays […]

  • 31st


    Aug, 2011

    This is going to be a rare non-Walker blog (although don’t be surprised if there’s a mention about him at the end…) Yesterday, I had a bit of a breakthrough which I am very proud of and I thought I’d share. Those who know me may say that I’m kind of a passionate person. I […]

  • 13th


    Aug, 2011

    Walker is fond of picking up key phrases of ours. Frequently we hear “You don’t see that every day,” which can be used for a very broad range of things. In this case, I think it’s appropriate to describe the video below (Gigi, you will need to go to the blog to see it…) from […]

  • 18th


    Jul, 2011

    This post is for all those folks who are stuck in oppressively hot and humid summer weather. Enjoy this little taste of winter… ___ OK Walker. It’s the middle of summer and as you continue to tell me, “July is a SUMMER month and we need to wear shorts,” and while that’s not always true […]