I got many, many comments about last week’s photo of Walker sleeping on his feet. Not having significant experience with babies, I didn’t realize just how odd this behavior is. I wrongfully assumed that every baby fell asleep in various contortions. But given the incredulous reactions of friends and family, I now know Walker is […]
Walker turned double digits this past week. Yes, he’s the big 10 months. What a big boy. And this big boy has started a new way of sleeping. He goes to bed and decides he’s not quite ready to nod off. He sits up and plays until he can’t keep his little eyes open. And […]
Walker is just starting to put together the moves necessary to crawl. He’s getting on his hands and knees and teetering forward and back, forward and back. He’s also started sitting up all on his own. He’s been so close for so long. He reclines on his side like a decadent ancient Roman politician waiting […]
Habits can be easy to start (unless of course, it involves exercise or dieting) and so very difficult to break. We’ve been spending a lot of time with Walker trying to replace some habits with new ones and in the process, we’ve noticed some changes in our own habits. As for Walker, it’s hard to […]
Walker has been outside as long as he was inside. He’s growing up to be quite a nice boy. It’s funny to think about the time before we knew him. And when I think about his personality now, I realize it is similar to how he was inside (just a bit more pronounced). During the […]
Walker loves his keyboard. And today, he played his keyboard like he has done so many times before. But today, yes today, he added clapping! Hooray! He clapped on his very own. I’ve been trying to teach him for so long. We’ve been playing patty cake and we clap when we make “all gone” with […]
Walker took Mommy and Daddy on a vacation to see Gigi in Boca Raton, Florida. We had a wonderful time and Gigi went gaga over Walker. We arrived on Saturday night in Miami. Walker was amazing on the flight out. We received all the standard advice but the best thing someone told us […]
Today Walker is 8 months old. He’s such a very big boy and he graduated from his bucket car seat to his big boy (and let me emphasize BIG) seat. The thing is HUGE but he seems to like sitting up straight. There are so many straps and pads and folds — it’s a bit […]
It’s been a long time since last I updated you. Pesky work got in the way with presentations and reviews due and all but that is behind me and I have a few things to share. I’ll work my way back. This weekend we went up to Sea Ranch for a weekend alone. Granddaddy went […]
Walker went to go vote today. He was quite excited to learn all about the process and what it means for someone to cast a ballot. He had a bunch of squash to prepare for the activity, got dressed in his best sweat suit, and headed out the door. He was intrigued by the people, […]
Walker has discovered that his bath is filled with water and water is fun to drink. His new trick, developed in the last two days, is to try to drink some water from his bath by reclining on his little ramp, turning his head to one side and opening his mouth. Now it’s one of […]
Walker loves his carrots. For the past few days, he’s been very interested in being a part of the carrot eating process. Yesterday it was all about his bowl. Today it was all about his spoon. We had to maneuver the full spoon around his spoon if we were going to get anything actually into […]
I’ve found that pretty much everything my baby does is unexpected. Yeah, I’m sure this doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone… but really, how often do you gaze at your little bundle of joy and think, “Gosh, I have no idea what you’re going to do next and likely, whatever it is, I will […]
Well, it’s official. The word of 2008 will be “Toothiness” because as of 1/11/08, Mr. Gummers has a tooth. It’s just a hint of a thing but we can feel it and we can catch a glimpse of it if Walker holds a super wide smile for a few seconds. He’s not looking like a […]
Walker, Daddy and I went to the SF Zoo on the Sunday prior to Christmas, just before Gigi arrived. We saw the Reindeer and stayed to watch a puppet performance of the Nutcracker. It was a brisk day so we bundled Walker up in a few things he hadn’t worn before — a pea coat […]
Walker looks good in everything he eats We tried some peas today. Last night I was up boiling the heck out of some peas and putting them through the Cuisinart so Walker could have yummy, fresh-ish veggies without preservatives. While Walker seems to like the rice cereal, he’s less enamored with the peas. He made […]
It’s very tiring getting all those presents I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. We certainly did. The festivities began last night with Christmas Eve dinner at Grammy Jane’s house with the traditional Cioppino, sourdough, and homemade chocolate sauce over ice cream (thank you Graunt Margie and Gruncle Howard). Dinner began at 6pm and […]
Walker is 0.5 (prounounced, “a HALF”) and that means he’s allowed to start solid foods. Everyone says you begin with “rice.” Given that we weren’t there yet, I never asked what “rice” really meant. I mean, there’s such a wide variety from the basic short grain white to the fancy-schmancy kind you get at Trader […]
After the week we had, we felt we deserved to take a little trip down to Half Moon Bay and get our tree. It’s one of our favorite things to do each year and this time we got to share it with someone who likes to touch EVERYTHING. Walker was very helpful in picking out […]
“All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth. My two front teeth. My two front teeth.” Walker went to visit Santa today. He was so good and happy and Santa was very impressed. Yes, that is his REAL beard. We were so excited about the visit we got two 5×7 photos and a […]
Gosh, tell me it isn’t so. The holidays (and by “holidays” I mean the single blur of time between Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and New Year) have come and gone and we’re back into the drudgery of every day life — which of course is an absolute joy with a three and a half year old because, […]
My little professor is learning a lot — and not all of it from his parents or his teachers. The other night, Walker was in the bath playing with is crayons. He said he wanted to write my name so together we spelled it and he wrote it out. It very clearly was my name. […]
Walker is boycotting the color yellow. At one time he had no problem with the bright, cheery primary color but recently, he has decided he enjoys every other color in the spectrum — with the exception of yellow. We realized the boycott had begun when we would offer him a choice of vitamins (the gummy […]
I haven’t posted in awhile and I have limited time so bear with me if this submission is not the narrative you’ve all come to expect. First, let me tell everyone that my neck is all healed and the surgeon did a great job — the scar is going to be practically invisible an it […]
I started a new job this week. After eight years at Adobe, I have moved to a new company. What’s notable is not that after all that time I was able to extract myself but rather, at the new gig, I get a fresh start. Like so many people, I’ve been able to move between […]
Tomorrow is Walker’s third birthday and things have been terribly chaotic over the last few weeks. We were out of town having a wonderful time with Grammie Shirley, Aunt Lisa, Uncle Scott, Cousin Giselle and Cousin Alec (Walker followed Cousin Alec around like a puppy dog because he was so terribly fascinated by a bigger […]
Mar, 2012
When Larry and I started dating, he would ask me things like, “What’s your favorite movie?” or “If you were stranded on an island, what CD would you bring?” or “Who would play you in the movie of your life?” These are all stumpers for me as are basic questions like, “What’s your favorite animal?” […]
Jan, 2012
So, Walker came home from school recently and started talking about Martin Luther King. Apparently we saw him one time when we went somewhere together. But that’s not all he knows about MLK. His teachers have been talking a lot about Dr. King and what he stands for and I got to see what a […]
Dec, 2011
A little Holiday Story from guest blogger, Larry Young, written last year for Walker’s three and a half birthday (which just happens to fall on Christmas Eve). We hope you enjoy! Nick looked down at his watch and saw there wasn’t much time left. He wasn’t feeling himself, but he put that aside. He’d wrestle […]
Oct, 2011