My old iPod recently died and I just got a new one that plays video (yeah, I know I’m not as “hip” as you perhaps thought I was). Anyway, after loading it up with video of Walker so I can get my quick baby fix while on the go, I loaded it up with TED […]
Walker sings “Itsy Bitsy Spider” — age 13 months ~~~~ Tonight we went on our very first date night. When Larry and I were pregnant, Grammy Jane was so excited. She claimed that Wednesday nights were hers for babysitting. And when Walker came home, I think one of the first calls was Jane, wondering when […]
First thing Walker does in the morning is crawl over to his walker and take a cruise around the house. He’s so FAST. And while this is special, it’s an expected milestone. The other night we had a very special treat — a milestone we didn’t anticipate. Walker, Daddy and I were sitting in Walker’s […]
Walker, Larry and I spent Saturday at Fort Point – an old garrison under the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s one of our favorite places to go because it’s so pretty and old and unknown despite its location under one of the most well-known landmarks in the world. It was even more special on Saturday when […]
Today we spent almost an hour on Skype with Gigi so Walker could show off all his new tricks: Creating a big O with his mouth and making “OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH” noises Trying to put on his shoes Walking Speed crawling Stacking BOTH sets of his rings Singing “Itsey Bitsey Spider” complete with hand gestures Blowing kisses […]
So, we’ve said before how much we love the Discovery Channel. And the recent promos they’ve done for their network are fantastic. We’re drawn to one particular promo because of the astronauts, the catchy tune, and the inspiring message. And, from a marketing perspective, it’s brilliant — encompassing every popular show and all the different […]
Larry’s back! Larry’s back! OK, so he’s been back for a week and a half but things have been so hectic that I haven’t been able to post. You see, the San Diego Comic Convention was quite a whirlwind this year (no different from other years) but there’s been a lot more media attention about […]
I have a long night ahead doing paperwork for our comic company but I had to document a few simply exceptional things that happened. Today is one of those rare San Francisco sunny-and-calm-and-not-too-hot-summer-days. As Larry is away at Comic-Con in San Diego (and it’s a zoo down there, everyone is covering it from Entertainment Weekly […]
When I was a little girl, my Daddy took me to professional baseball games out at Candlestick. We’d try to go to the Giants vs. the Reds and we’d sit in the stands and FREEZE our tails off. He’d sit and explain the game — the nuances of baseball strategy, the history of the players […]
Like many kids, I had a savings account when I was a tyke. I recall loving when the few dollars I deposited were typed into my little passbook. When I was about ten, Poppo, my grandfather, felt that I should graduate to a checking account. He wanted to ensure I knew how to manage money […]
We’ve done a few posts without photos so this will be a post without many words. This weekend we wanted to update the Buddah picture so we will be able to chronicle Walker’s development in an iconic sort of way. I’m sure you can pick out which photos were taken recently (hint, there is […]
It’s 6:30 on Independence Day and we’ve spent the last two hours in the living room with the TV on. No, I’m not stunting the brain development of our wonderful little man with movies or even childhood programming (although I’m jonesing to see something that has more than a 60 minute running time in a […]
Height: 29.5 inches Weight: 22lbs 4oz Head: 46.5 cm On Friday, Walker went in to be weighed and measured. He continues to flourish — Dr. Mimi says he’s not too thin and he’s not too fat. She went over the nutrition information — 20oz of milk per day, 5 servings of fruits/veggies, etc. She said […]
Walker started his 1st birthday the same way he started his actual birthday — by greeting Kalamai, the labor and delivery nurse. The greeting was a bit less traumatic today than a year ago. He only had to get out of his car seat to say “hi”. We thought it would be nice to thank […]
Today is the 52nd Sunday of Walker’s life. He celebrated by inviting Gigi from Cincinnati, Zia Hilary from Milan, Uncle Thayer from wherever he might be traveling to next, and a bunch of friends to join him in eating fruit, cheese, and other yummies. There were red wagon rides in the back yard and lots […]
About ten years ago I was asked by an industry magazine to write a monthly column about web strategy. I was completely honored to be considered thoughtful enough to author something that would be read each month by my peers. After emerging from the fog of bliss I realized that I would actually have to […]
We have a guest blogger today: “Da da da da da da da. Da da da. Dadada dadada dadadada. Dada.” Walker wanted to be sure to take a moment to wish his Dada a very, happy, first Father’s day. Larry had to wait a long time — it’s been 51 weeks since Walker was born. […]
Every day, when arriving at Sofiya’s, the kids all greet us with a loud and happy “BABY WALKER!” and they run over, crowd around him and offer their favorite toys as if they are paying homage to the King. He’s been called Baby Walker since they day he arrived. And it’s important to point out […]
I’ve noticed the passing of time is very different since Walker joined our family. Time would be marked by the movies we saw, something that happened at work, or the books we published. But time chugged along at a fairly steady pace. But now, time speeds by and is jam-packed with a bunch of new […]
Dear Mommy. It’s my first Mother’s Day and I’ve spent the last few weeks reflecting on what it means to be a mom. It sounds so cliche to say that it’s the hardest but most rewarding job but I suppose it’s the most accurate way of describing what I feel. My life has changed so […]
I think my son is going to grow up to be a lawyer. The other day, Walker was at school playing freeze tag with his friends. This is not a complicated game and it’s understood that as a participant, you will be chased and FREEZE if you are TAGGED. Walker adores this game and plays […]
This is going to be a rare non-Walker blog (although don’t be surprised if there’s a mention about him at the end…) Yesterday, I had a bit of a breakthrough which I am very proud of and I thought I’d share. Those who know me may say that I’m kind of a passionate person. I […]
Walker is fond of picking up key phrases of ours. Frequently we hear “You don’t see that every day,” which can be used for a very broad range of things. In this case, I think it’s appropriate to describe the video below (Gigi, you will need to go to the blog to see it…) from […]
This post is for all those folks who are stuck in oppressively hot and humid summer weather. Enjoy this little taste of winter… ___ OK Walker. It’s the middle of summer and as you continue to tell me, “July is a SUMMER month and we need to wear shorts,” and while that’s not always true […]
I had a great weekend. My boys gave me stuff that will help me end certain obsessions — a special tool to clean under my fridge and a few bins to help me organize my life. I filled five grocery bags full of stuff to donate and I have filled many more in my mind… […]
Dear Walker. I know it’s been some time since I have documented your life for the world to witness. I missed telling everyone about your first trip to the snow. I haven’t talked about your penchant for boogers or how you’ve begun what I believe will be your life-long adoration of superheroes. (All this will […]
May, 2012
Mommy, Friday Walker and I were headed to the bank and we passed your building. “Don’t forget to say hi to your Mommy!” Walker reminded me as we drove by. HI MOMMY! The Little Pie has gotten so much bigger and more mature. He’s got a real little boy body (skin and bones with impressively […]
May, 2012
If you’ve been to our house, you may have noticed the pathetic state of our kitchen floors. We’ve been in Chateau Fromage going on 13 years. We didn’t redo the floor before we moved in so they are seriously looking their age and I must admit, we haven’t been as nice to them as we […]
Apr, 2012
This morning’s installation is visually impressive but hardly as controversial as Young’s earlier work, such as “Wall Dent, 2010” and “Blue and Green Marker Smudge on Bedroom Wall, 2009” while retaining the earlier, more unstudied works’ enthusiasm and unbridled charm. When asked for an artists’ statement, Young initially demurred, then added, “I deny my projects […]
Mar, 2012
I make lists. I make A LOT of lists. Recently a friend of mine gave me a book called “My Listography” which allows me to create an autobiography in one of my most comfortable formats (however, if you read the prior post, you will remember that I’m challenged by anything relating to “favorites” lists). My […]