• I got to Sofiya’s today and something new happened. She gave me a project Walker did at school. (He colored a picture of a pizza with orange and yellow crayon.) It was so wonderful, I almost cried. It’s not that it’s his best work ever — you should see the awesome Valentine’s Day cards he […]

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  • Walker loves to move things from one place to another. He also likes hats. On Christmas Day, the little munchkin combined his two passions and put a wicker trash can on his head and walked around with his new box of books. Walker had logged some considerable time with the basket on his head and […]

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  • Moxie March 17, 1993 – February 4, 2009 AKA Moxie Muffin, Miss Mushie, Comrade Mushkin, General Mushmananov Moxie was a simple cat. She had one mission and that was to LOVE. But she didn’t love just anyone — you had to be part of an exclusive club, a FOM (Friend of Moxie). She came into […]

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  • “I do!” Apparently Walker is really talking now. He’s not just saying words when he sees something he recognizes. He’s actually having conversations. He was playing… and I could tell he was filling his diaper. It wasn’t just that he stopped and bent over a bit but I also got a whiff. “Who needs a […]

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  • On Thursday nights, Larry attends a writing group so Walker and I have some quality time together. However, this Thursday, we were both tired and a bit cranky. I planned to get home, turn on Sprout, eat a snack and sit together on the couch and sulk. But Walker had other ideas. While I folded […]

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  • Walker is very interested in drawing. Larry put up a whiteboard in our bedroom and you can see he LOVES it. However, he also loves the closet doors. He’s very advanced — he drew a heart which you can see if you look very closely at the center of the closet doors. He’s not kept […]

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  • It’s been so long I can’t remember the last time I posted. We’ve been terribly busy with travel, holidays, Internet connectivity issues, work, pet illnesses, and crazy childhood viruses. I’ve had a post drafted for a long time and had been waiting to post it until I had a chance to add in some photo […]

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  • We’ve been having some DSL connection issues so I’ve not been able to post but I couldn’t let 2008 slip past without one last post. This video encapsulates everything I loved about 2008 and wish for more of in 2009.

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  • Walker pretends to be a peacock at the zoo. Clearly I’m old. I think I’ve pondered this publicly before, but I’m feeling old today. This week was extremely busy. The Adobe Sales and Marketing Conference was in San Jose this week and I traveled the 52 miles each way all week. Events started between 8:30 […]

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  • OK. I’ve been remiss in posting but golly, the holidays are fraught with time-sucking activities — especially for those of us who are prone to trying to do ONE MORE THING. The only reason I’m able to find the time now is because Walker has decided that waking before 5am is the newest hip thing […]

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  • I’m a big fan of learning. I love learning new things. However, some things I’d just like to hear about rather than experience. This morning, ready to face a busy and challenging day, I headed out the door. Today was different than other days. Larry and I had coordinated Walker transportation — I’d take him […]

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  • Mommy is tired tonight but can’t let the week go by without a post. (Gigi just got her computer set up and we couldn’t chat on Skype ‘cuz Walker was either eating or napping.) Walker has started saying something over and over but we can’t figure out what it means. “Ummmm… Ahh-DEE!” It’s not one […]

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  • Our Walker is apparently quite a little Casanova over at Day Care. There are reports that he is hugging his friends all day long. He runs up to them and wraps his little arms around them and hangs on for dear life. “OK Walker. I love you too!” is a common refrain after an extended […]

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  • Actually, the headline should read “Walker goes to APE” but it’s not as catchy. APE is the Alternative Press Expo, a comic book convention run by our friends who are also the wizards behind San Diego Comic Con, the world’s best (and one of the largest) comic gathering. We’ve been attending for more than a […]

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  • Larry decided to make a few enhancements to the costume images. Walker looks just perfect on Dagoba and boy, I wouldn’t want to mess with him when he gets mad!

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  • It’s taken months of planning and hard work but today, we debuted the Yoda costume. About six months ago, Larry found this Yoda knitting pattern and in the very nicest voice he could muster, requested I use it to make Walker’s costume. Knowing how adorable Walker would be and needing something to knit during long […]

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  • In the spirit of “one more thing” I’ve been extremely busy (actually, sort of crazed) and it’s been very hard to get to the blog because I just couldn’t fit One More Thing into my daily schedule. I’ve been “jailed” by my list of things to do (heh, heh, get it?) The task list isn’t […]

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  • It’s been awhile since I last posted because things have been crazy. Walker has been teething and then he decided that sleeping was for babies (which of course, he is not) and big boys stay up late practicing saying “ball,”singing “itsy bitsy spider,” clapping and giggling. Sunday night it took TWO HOURS to put him […]

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  • A co-worker of mine has a 3.5 year old girl and a 10 week old boy. She’s coming back to work on Thursday and invited Larry, Walker and me for dinner. I figured we go over and have some pizza (perhaps gourmet pizza knowing her good taste) but we were treated to a FANTASTIC homemade […]

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  • Gigi, here’s a little something to get you through the weekend. I do promise more soon.

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  • This morning’s installation is visually impressive but hardly as controversial as Young’s earlier work, such as “Wall Dent, 2010” and “Blue and Green Marker Smudge on Bedroom Wall, 2009” while retaining the earlier, more unstudied works’ enthusiasm and unbridled charm. When asked for an artists’ statement, Young initially demurred, then added, “I deny my projects […]

  • I make lists. I make A LOT of lists. Recently a friend of mine gave me a book called “My Listography” which allows me to create an autobiography in one of my most comfortable formats (however, if you read the prior post, you will remember that I’m challenged by anything relating to “favorites” lists). My […]

  • When Larry and I started dating, he would ask me things like, “What’s your favorite movie?” or “If you were stranded on an island, what CD would you bring?” or “Who would play you in the movie of your life?” These are all stumpers for me as are basic questions like, “What’s your favorite animal?” […]

  • So, Walker came home from school recently and started talking about Martin Luther King. Apparently we saw him one time when we went somewhere together. But that’s not all he knows about MLK. His teachers have been talking a lot about Dr. King and what he stands for and I got to see what a […]

  • A little Holiday Story from guest blogger, Larry Young, written last year for Walker’s three and a half birthday (which just happens to fall on Christmas Eve). We hope you enjoy! Nick looked down at his watch and saw there wasn’t much time left. He wasn’t feeling himself, but he put that aside. He’d wrestle […]

  • 25th


    Nov, 2013

    Mr. Pie. You are a confident little guy and I believe you will mature into a confident young man. But sometimes there will be periods of confusion and self-doubt. These can be hard times. It will be easy to become overwhelmed by these thoughts as they creep through your brain, finding places to take root. […]

  • 25th


    Jun, 2013

    Kindergarten. DONE. First tooth. GONE. Little Ninjas. GRADUATED. Reading. YUP.   I can’t ignore it, my little Walker-Pie is growing up and it feels like he’s going to be heading off to college in no time (although I do wish he’d wait or he will be Community College bound…) This year has flown by. Walker […]

  • 4th


    Jan, 2013

    Is it possible it’s been more than six months since I posted? I’ve had “write blog” on every To Do list I’ve created and it’s finally haunted me enough to sit down and take action. I will purge my guilt here in a lengthy post but if you only have a few moments, here is […]

  • 20th


    Jun, 2012

    This little guy is going to be five in just a few short days. I really can’t believe it. He’s grown up so much in the last year and I realize this birthday is as big a milestone (aka emotionally crippling) as when he got his first tooth and stopped breastfeeding. Other milestones were easier […]