Daddy, we love you very much. FAMILY HUG! Walker is very excited about Daddy’s birthday because Daddy asked me to make him an Elmo cake so we’re going to see how a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting fares when decorated as Elmo. Daddy also indicated to Walker that he will share his birthday (and […]
I’m in Vegas. No, Larry and I are not renewing our vows in the Elvis Chapel and in fact, he and the little Pie are at home. I am attending the conference to learn all about more effective ways to convert site visitors into paying customers and the boys are roughing it for 36 […]
The book of this coming year is being written. May it be filled with joy, laughter, wisdom and good health.
It’s now September, I’m back and busy with work. The wonderful days of summer in Maine are only a lovely memory of perfection and it’s time I reflect and document for posterity. My father is from Maine and I’ve been spending time there since I was a little girl. Some of my best memories are […]
I got home today to find my son had drawn a self-portrait. Walker is 26 months old and is already drawing recognizable images of himself (albeit something that might be more appropriate for a Rorschach test, but a self-portrait nonetheless.) In case you don’t speak “toddler,” at the end he’s saying “Draw Walker more more […]
Larry is off in San Diego at the annual comic convention where more than 120,000 people talk about comics, movies, television, games and other random entertainment — oh, and hopefully spend some money at booths like the AiT/Planet Lar . It’s particularly exciting for us given we’ve had two books recently purchased by big names […]
Note: This entry has taken me waaaay too long to complete but hey, it was a very exciting week! Walker used to say he was “fourah” when asked how old he is. Now he says “TWO PARTY” — probably because we had be preparing him for the string of events that would celebrate his birthday. […]
I’ve been working on a Birthday blog but I’ve been so busy I haven’t been able to finish it off. Some of you have made requests for blog updates so I thought I’d provide a small video for your viewing pleasure. Last Saturday, Walker took us to the zoo and one of his favorite activities […]
Walker loves water. He loves his bath and he’s quite fond of puddles. I found that out the hard way when we went for a walk which was cut short because Mommy didn’t realize that puddles were like the Muses to the ancient sailors — toddlers are unable to resist their calls. Walker was no […]
Last night, Walker, Larry and I attended Shabbat Family Services at Temple Emanu-El. It was absolutely fantastic. I didn’t really know what to expect but one of Walker’s friends at day care attends regularly and she and her mom thought it would be neat if Walker could go with her. Walker looked dapper in his […]
Tomorrow is my birthday but I was presented with quite a treat upon my return home this evening… Larry and Walker decided to inform the neighborhood (and passersby) that I am now part of what my HR friend calls “the protected class.” This broad gesture was the pinnacle of an already wonderful day — on […]
As I’ve previously mentioned, Walker is now talking a lot more. About two weeks ago he started with “HELP ME” which was often said in a raspy, breathy voice as he was straining to do something (like push the exercise ball through the open baby gate or pick up something heavy). It is reminiscent of […]
This was the best Mother’s Day ever. OK, granted, I’ve only had one other one for comparison but really, this one was pretty spectacular. We made it a long weekend. Larry and I dropped off the Little Man, packed up the car for a weekend at Sea Ranch and headed off to a 10:30 showing […]
I sit here drinking some wine, looking over work email, and pondering my return to Adobe. I had one great vacation — not because I went somewhere exotic or did something unique or fascinating. I had a great vacation because it did what vacations are supposed to do — rejuvenate and relax you. The last […]
Adobe is very generous giving employees with five years of service a three week sabbatical. You have two years to take the time off and then you lose it. At the end of this month, I will have been with Adobe seven years, thus, it was now or never for the sabbatical. Larry and I […]
I apologize. I thought I was all about doing one more thing but something recently slipped by me. My wonderful Scion has had a very slow leak in one of the tires and every day, I go out and check to see if I need to stop by a garage to get the darn thing […]
Walker would like to take a moment to thank the wonderful Hunt family for the fantastic train set and play area. It’s the first thing he plays with in the morning and the last thing he plays with in the afternoon. Mommy and Daddy spend a lot of time fixing the tracks after Walker does […]
Hooray! Today our little house began to be a more green place to live. Our solar system went online and we saved about four pounds of carbon dioxide in the last two hours of sunlight of the day. It was very exciting to see the electric meter spin backwards and know PG&E can pump a […]
Walker went to the store and picked out this plant all by himself. He carried it through the store, to the register, back to the car, and all the way home so he could ensure it arrived safely. He’s very sincere in his good wishes (as evidenced by his expression.) Happy Birthday Gigi. We love […]
Today I had occasion to reconnect with three people who were instrumental in molding my career — my friends Jeff Veen (user experience God), Bryan Mason (organizational wizard), and Maggie Mason (Mighty blogger and writer). I’ve always admired this trio and they’ve each inspired me in different ways. Jeff has an incredible way of looking […]
Mr. Pie. You are a confident little guy and I believe you will mature into a confident young man. But sometimes there will be periods of confusion and self-doubt. These can be hard times. It will be easy to become overwhelmed by these thoughts as they creep through your brain, finding places to take root. […]
Kindergarten. DONE. First tooth. GONE. Little Ninjas. GRADUATED. Reading. YUP. I can’t ignore it, my little Walker-Pie is growing up and it feels like he’s going to be heading off to college in no time (although I do wish he’d wait or he will be Community College bound…) This year has flown by. Walker […]
Is it possible it’s been more than six months since I posted? I’ve had “write blog” on every To Do list I’ve created and it’s finally haunted me enough to sit down and take action. I will purge my guilt here in a lengthy post but if you only have a few moments, here is […]
This little guy is going to be five in just a few short days. I really can’t believe it. He’s grown up so much in the last year and I realize this birthday is as big a milestone (aka emotionally crippling) as when he got his first tooth and stopped breastfeeding. Other milestones were easier […]
Mommy, Friday Walker and I were headed to the bank and we passed your building. “Don’t forget to say hi to your Mommy!” Walker reminded me as we drove by. HI MOMMY! The Little Pie has gotten so much bigger and more mature. He’s got a real little boy body (skin and bones with impressively […]
If you’ve been to our house, you may have noticed the pathetic state of our kitchen floors. We’ve been in Chateau Fromage going on 13 years. We didn’t redo the floor before we moved in so they are seriously looking their age and I must admit, we haven’t been as nice to them as we […]
Jan, 2016
Nam lacinia arcu tortor, nec luctus nibh dignissim eu nulla sit amet maximus.
Jan, 2016
Nam lacinia arcu tortor, nec luctus nibh dignissim eu nulla sit amet maximus.
Jan, 2016
Nam lacinia arcu tortor, nec luctus nibh dignissim eu nulla sit amet maximus.
Nov, 2015
Pure joy. Please don’t forget the feeling you had when you taught yourself to ride your bike. You were bored. I was cleaning the Community Room the day after the big Flea Market. Daddy was loading the car for a run to Goodwill with the unsold items. There were a few bikes and you got […]