

About mimzilla

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So far mimzilla has created 139 blog entries.

Birthday begins at sundown

Tomorrow is my birthday but I was presented with quite a treat upon my return home this evening... Larry and Walker decided to inform the neighborhood (and passersby) that I am now part of what my HR friend calls "the protected class." This broad gesture was the pinnacle of an already wonderful day -- on

By |2023-04-04T21:08:36+00:00May 21st, 2009|Mommyblog, Uncategorized|0 Comments


As I've previously mentioned, Walker is now talking a lot more. About two weeks ago he started with "HELP ME" which was often said in a raspy, breathy voice as he was straining to do something (like push the exercise ball through the open baby gate or pick up something heavy). It is

By |2023-04-04T21:08:36+00:00May 16th, 2009|Mommyblog, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Mother’s Day 2009

This was the best Mother's Day ever. OK, granted, I've only had one other one for comparison but really, this one was pretty spectacular. We made it a long weekend. Larry and I dropped off the Little Man, packed up the car for a weekend at Sea Ranch and headed off to a 10:30 showing

By |2023-04-04T21:08:36+00:00May 10th, 2009|Mommyblog, Uncategorized|0 Comments

One great vacation

Walker discovers balloons at his friend Lucas's first birthday. It didn't really occur to us that Walker hadn't spent much (or any) time with these wonderful things. He didn't really want to share once he figured out how fun they were. I sit here drinking some wine, looking over work email, and pondering

By |2023-04-04T21:08:36+00:00April 26th, 2009|Mommyblog, Uncategorized|0 Comments


Adobe is very generous giving employees with five years of service a three week sabbatical. You have two years to take the time off and then you lose it. At the end of this month, I will have been with Adobe seven years, thus, it was now or never for the sabbatical. Larry and I

By |2017-06-27T07:48:29+00:00April 12th, 2009|One more thing|3 Comments

On being efficient…

I apologize. I thought I was all about doing one more thing but something recently slipped by me. My wonderful Scion has had a very slow leak in one of the tires and every day, I go out and check to see if I need to stop by a garage to get the darn thing

By |2009-03-31T20:26:51+00:00March 31st, 2009|One more thing|2 Comments

Train set

Walker would like to take a moment to thank the wonderful Hunt family for the fantastic train set and play area. It's the first thing he plays with in the morning and the last thing he plays with in the afternoon. Mommy and Daddy spend a lot of time fixing the tracks after Walker does

By |2017-06-30T07:04:00+00:00March 30th, 2009|One more thing|1 Comment

How much CO2 have you saved?

Hooray! Today our little house began to be a more green place to live. Our solar system went online and we saved about four pounds of carbon dioxide in the last two hours of sunlight of the day. It was very exciting to see the electric meter spin backwards and know PG&E can pump a

By |2017-06-30T07:03:31+00:00March 18th, 2009|One more thing|2 Comments

Happy Birthday Gigi

Walker went to the store and picked out this plant all by himself. He carried it through the store, to the register, back to the car, and all the way home so he could ensure it arrived safely. He’s very sincere in his good wishes (as evidenced by his expression.) Happy Birthday Gigi. We love

By |2017-06-30T07:03:02+00:00March 11th, 2009|One more thing|3 Comments

Verbal Brick a Brack

Today I had occasion to reconnect with three people who were instrumental in molding my career -- my friends Jeff Veen (user experience God), Bryan Mason (organizational wizard), and Maggie Mason (Mighty blogger and writer). I've always admired this trio and they've each inspired me in different ways. Jeff has an incredible way of looking

By |2017-06-30T07:02:38+00:00March 5th, 2009|One more thing|0 Comments
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