Monthly Archives: April 2008


Ten Months

Walker turned double digits this past week. Yes, he's the big 10 months. What a big boy. And this big boy has started a new way of sleeping. He goes to bed and decides he's not quite ready to nod off. He sits up and plays until he can't keep his little eyes open. And

By |2008-04-27T20:58:24+00:00April 27th, 2008|One more thing|4 Comments


Walker is just starting to put together the moves necessary to crawl. He's getting on his hands and knees and teetering forward and back, forward and back. He's also started sitting up all on his own. He's been so close for so long. He reclines on his side like a decadent ancient Roman politician waiting

By |2017-06-27T08:48:24+00:00April 13th, 2008|One more thing|0 Comments


Habits can be easy to start (unless of course, it involves exercise or dieting) and so very difficult to break. We've been spending a lot of time with Walker trying to replace some habits with new ones and in the process, we've noticed some changes in our own habits. As for Walker, it's hard to

By |2008-04-07T21:13:56+00:00April 7th, 2008|One more thing|1 Comment
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