Monthly Archives: February 2008


8 months

Today Walker is 8 months old. He's such a very big boy and he graduated from his bucket car seat to his big boy (and let me emphasize BIG) seat. The thing is HUGE but he seems to like sitting up straight. There are so many straps and pads and folds -- it's a bit

By |2008-02-24T22:38:26+00:00February 24th, 2008|One more thing|2 Comments

It’s been a long time…

It's been a long time since last I updated you. Pesky work got in the way with presentations and reviews due and all but that is behind me and I have a few things to share. I'll work my way back. This weekend we went up to Sea Ranch for a weekend alone. Granddaddy went

By |2008-02-17T22:53:11+00:00February 17th, 2008|One more thing|1 Comment

I Voted

Walker went to go vote today. He was quite excited to learn all about the process and what it means for someone to cast a ballot. He had a bunch of squash to prepare for the activity, got dressed in his best sweat suit, and headed out the door. He was intrigued by the people,

By |2008-02-05T22:00:22+00:00February 5th, 2008|One more thing|1 Comment
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